Special Ed Survey

The Ohio Department of Education invites you to respond to a short, 25 question survey about your child's education.  The survey will take about 10 minutes to finish and can be completed using your mobile phone or a computer.  You are eligible to participate if your child has an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and receives Special Education services.  The purpose of collecting this information is to improve services for students with disabilities.  If you are eligible and you complete the survey, you have the option of entering a drawing for a $50 electronic gift card.   


To be eligible to participate in the Special Education Family Survey, you must meet three criteria.  First, you must be the parent or guardian of a child who has an IEP and receives Special Education services.  Second, your child must attend a school in an Ohio school district or local community school selected for this study.  Third, your child must be between the ages of 3 and 22 years.  Please answer the following questions to see if you can participate in the Special Education Family Survey.  If you have more than one child receiving Special Education services, please answer these questions for the child who is the oldest

survey link here