Thank you everyone for your efforts to make Showcase Night here at GMS a success. It's always great to share our learning with the community and provide that presentation opportunity to kids. We will solicit feedback for improvements/suggestions at a later date for a potential Spring Showcase.
over 2 years ago, Ashlee Skinner
GMS showcase night 2022
GMS showacase night 2022
GMS showcase night 2022
Reminder of our upcoming break!
over 2 years ago, Ashlee Skinner
No School Nov 23,24,25 & 28
Congratulations to Isabelle!
over 2 years ago, Ashlee Skinner
GMS student wins student of the year!
Falconland Market will be open this Sunday, November 6th from 1-3pm. We have chicken breast, sausage, eggs, cheese, apples, and beef available in addition to our canned and dry goods. Leadership Class students will have clothing available from their clothing drive during the open hours.
over 2 years ago, Graham Local Schools