Our K Prep students also spent time practicing their coordination and core strength while having fun at the shaving cream ice skating rink at GES! Our physical and occupational therapy team rocks!

5th Grade STEM Challenge!
Helping To Build An Olympic Bobsled

Graham Elementary Staff Spotlight - Miss Whitman

5th Grade STEM Challenge!
Helping To Build An Olympic Bobsled

Wednesday, January 17, Graham Local Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay.

More Preschool Ice Skating!
Our preschoolers spent time practicing their coordination and core strength while having fun at the shaving cream ice skating rink at GES! Our physical and occupational therapy team rocks!

Graham Local Schools is closed today, Tuesday, January 16, 2024. Stay safe and stay warm!

Tuesday, January 16, 2024, Graham Local Schools will be on a 2 hour delay.

Our K Prep students learned that snowflakes start as a speck of dirt and water, which forms into a hexagon. They built snowflakes using marshmallows and pretzels. Then had a little snack.

The K Prep class was working on teamwork during their physical education class. Mr. Jacobs and a student demonstrated how the students can work together and be a wheelbarrow using a scooter.

Our preschoolers spent time practicing their coordination and core strength while having fun at the shaving cream ice skating rink at GES! Our physical and occupational therapy team rocks!

5th Graders collaborate to identify topic sentences and evidence with informational texts as a guide for their own informational writing!

Math games in kindergarten teach us to cooperate and work together as we learn!

Thank you to Margo Shipp from SST6 for providing our GES staff with a very informative and ready to use in the classroom professional development. It was a great day of learning!

Graham Elementary Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Henman

GES Family News From The Nest
January 12, 2024
Have a great 3 day weekend Falcons!

The typing skills our students are learning in their computer class will help them throughout their life!

Congratulations to the 4th and 5th grade spelling bee participants, you all did a great job in our Graham Elemetary, Scripps National Spelling!

These are some focused falcons as they work on their math skills on eSpark!

Do you or somone you know have a child who will turn 5 years old before August 1, 2024? If you answered yes, call GES at 937-663-4449 to schedule their Kindergarten Screening for the 2024-2025 school year.