Our GES students are improving on their skating skills each day!
It's School Lunch Hero Day! Thank you to our GES Cafeteria Team who make our students yummy breakfast and lunches each day! We appreciate you!
Falcon Pride!
The GES performance of "The Claw" is tonight and tomorrow night. (5/2 & 5/3)
Time: 6pm
Location: Graham Middle School
Cost: $5 per person
Come out tonight to see our talented students as they sing, dance and amaze you!
It was a beautiful day on Tuesday for outside recess!
Students in 3rd grade Mrs. Buffenbarger's class celebrated with an ice cream party after their class earned 50 Class Tickets for positive behavior in areas of the building that were outside of their classroom setting.
Come join us as Graham Elementary School presents “The Claw” on Thursday and Friday, May 2nd and 3rd.
The Claw tells the story of stuffed animal friends living in an out of order claw machine game. What will happen when the machine suddenly starts working again?!
Performances will be held in the Graham Middle School audeteria at 6pm on both nights.
Tickets are $5 at the door, children 3 and under are free.
Doors open at 5 pm (4:45 for pre-sale ticket holders)
The GHS PBIS committee is sponsoring a district-wide spirit week in honor of teacher apprection week!
Check it out!
Jude Putterbaugh, 2nd grader in Mrs. Fasse’s class, was given a special award for being a “Responsible Caretaker of our Earth”. He has consistently been a leader of keeping our school beautiful by voluntarily picking up litter in the cafeteria, classroom and the playground during recess. These efforts have motivated other classmates to do the same. Great job, Jude! 🌍
It has been a wonderful 2 year journey of professional learning for our GES Team. Today we completed the final
course in our LETRS Professional Development learning based on the Science of Reading! We celebrated with donuts and we all ran to the "finish line" with our teams! Thank you to Margo Shipp from SST6 for coming in today and presenting to our GES Team!
Miss Snipes class was taking advantage of the beautiful weather last week with an extended recess.
Mrs. Buffenbarger's students are working on..... What is a quadrilateral?
It is Administrative Professional's Day and at GES we are blessed with the best!
Mrs. Thornton and Miss Yoder
When you see these ladies today - thank them for all they do for our students, staff and families!
Falcon Pride!
Our skating unit during our physical education class is in full swing!
Mrs. Eichhorn's class is working on beginning sounds in their phonics lesson.
Our 2nd graders in Mrs. Ruempings class were creating ant trails. After they get their trails complete they will work on measuring their trails in cm (centimeters).
This awesome Falcons in 4th grade received Quarterly Awards for the 3rd nine-weeks!
Great job Falcons!
Graham Preschool hosted our first very own preschool Safety Town!
Thank you to Deputy Jester - School Resource Officer and the Johnson St. Paris Fire District for teaching us about being safe.
Funds secured through the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce Early Childhood Education grant made this event possible this year and will for years to come!
Falcon Pride!
GES - Family News From The Nest
Have a great weekend Falcons!
Congratulations to these Falcons who received a 3rd nine weeks quarterly award!
Keep it up Falcons!
We have even more 3rd nine weeks quarterly award recipients in our 1st grade!
Keep it up Falcons!