
Dear Falcon Family,

We are excited to expand the mental health services available to Graham Local Schools students, provided at no cost to the district. Currently, we partner with TCN Behavioral Health for services, and beginning in February, we will add a counselor from Chrysalis Health.

Chrysalis Health, a not-for-profit agency with offices across the state, including a local office in Urbana, specializes in mental health support. Our new counselor, Mr. Andrew Sluss, will primarily serve middle and high school students, providing much-needed resources to support their well-being and success.  If you feel the need to access these services, please contact the guidance counselor at your child’s school. 

(GHS: Mrs Bechtel

(GMS: Mrs Smith

Mr. Sluss will start meeting with students during the first week of February. For more details about these services, please refer to the attached flyer or visit Chrysalis Health’s website: This partnership represents our commitment to supporting the mental health needs of our Falcon family.