Graham Middle School set off for their annual 8th grade DC trip on Friday, 11/17. The itinerary includes a stop at the Flight 93 Memorial in Shanksville, PA, then the group will head to DC where they will have scheduled tours of the US Capitol building, the National Cathedral, Mt. Vernon, and the Holocost Memorial Museum. In between those events, they will visit many additional museums and monuments to add to their learning experience. Each year, students also have the opportunity to participate in an Army Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns, located in Arlington National Cemetery. The following students were winners of an essay contest and as such will represent GMS in the ceremony: Carly Birchfield, Lily Ervin, Ellie Heaston, and Adelaid Shearer. Finally, the group will finish their trip with a tour of Gettysburg National Military Park.