The Graham Middle School PBIS student team includes seventh graders: Mackenzie Crooks, Adelyn Guidera, Alaina Lockwood, Lily Parke, Alice Rogers, Audrey Smith, and Carolyn Taylor, as well as eighth graders: Garrett Bailey, Brycen Hanes, Carson McCulla, Briar Perdue, and Ava Tudor to the 2024-2025 school year. Recently, the student team members have designed weekly Motivation Monday lessons that are used to educate and uphold our PBIS Matrix to the entire school and to develop positive mindsets and actions to make GMS a better place for all our staff and students. These dedicated students met after hours and during our summer retreat to design and create bulletin boards, design locker sticker rewards, and plan future Motivational Monday lessons! This leadership team can be heard taking turns on the morning announcements and be seen presenting at our monthly PBIS Awards Assemblies. Assisting with facilitation of this group and creation of additional Motivational Mondays are staff members Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Wical, Mrs. Baker, Ms. Packard-Cooper, and Mr. Guidera.
PBIS Committee Work
January 15, 2025