Let’s learn about and then pretend we are astronauts in preschool. What would you do if you were an astronaut? Check out the ideas of our little ones
almost 2 years ago, Graham Elementary School
Falconland Market Information The Falconland Market will be open this Sunday, March 26th from 1-3pm at Graham Elementary School. This week at the market there will be ground or assorted beef products, hot dogs, breakfast sausage, chicken drumsticks or split breast, eggs, assorted cereals, chips, and more. As a reminder, our next opening is on Easter Sunday, April 9th.
almost 2 years ago, Roeth Lynnette
Spring Break reminder!
almost 2 years ago, Graham Local Schools
Spring Break
School Pictures were taken today for those who want Spring Picture packets! We had help making sure we all looked our best for the photos.
almost 2 years ago, Graham Elementary School
School Pictures
School Pictures
School Pictures
School Pictures
School Pictures
School Pictures
School Pictures
Mrs. Lonsinger’s 5th graders participated in a March Madness Challenge where student teams built a device to launch a basketball into a net. The teams were given a set of materials to build a free standing device.
almost 2 years ago, Graham Elementary School
March Madness Challenge
SEND us a photo of your family or kids with your family pet! We want to share them in a slideshow in the near future alongside the pets of our staff. Please email the photo with the pet name and the names of the people in the photo to ShreveE@grahamlocalschools.org today!
almost 2 years ago, Graham Elementary School
National Pet Day
Graham Elementary Student Spotlight Go Falcons! 🦅
almost 2 years ago, Roeth Lynnette
Great opportunity to get in some wonderful parenting classes!! For Head Start parents this is FREE! Active Parenting of 5-12 year-old children, 9-11am, April 10-13 9-11 am Active Parenting of Teen-aged children, 9-11 am May 8-11.
almost 2 years ago, Graham Local Schools
Parent class info
Mrs. Baker’s fifth grade ELA students working hard on fifth grade level text and questions! They earned working with a partner earlier in the week.
almost 2 years ago, Graham Elementary School
5th Grade Workers
5th Grade Workers
5th Grade Workers
5th Grade Workers
Student's in Mrs. Eichhorn's 2nd grade class "Rocked Their Socks" today for World Down Syndrome Day!
almost 2 years ago, Roeth Lynnette
Rocked Their Socks
The middle school FFA students made a recent visit with our Preschool children to teach them about pollination. They then helped our little ones plant flowers for Mother's Day. We love the partnerships across the grade levels!
almost 2 years ago, Graham Elementary School
Help us celebrate National Pet Day on April 11th by sending us a photo with your kids or the whole family alongside your pet(s). DEADLINE to send us a photo is NEXT FRIDAY, March 31st. See attached flier for more details on where to send your photos!
almost 2 years ago, Graham Elementary School
National Pet Day Flier
Our kids learn to take warming up seriously, whether it be leg lifts, push ups, or stretches. Our younger students are hard at work getting those muscles ready for some fun!
almost 2 years ago, Graham Elementary School
GES - Family News From The Nest March 17, 2023 https://www.smore.com/8kvdq Have a wonderful weekend Falcons!
almost 2 years ago, Roeth Lynnette
Falcon Logo
Graham Elementary Student Spotlights Go Falcons! 🦅
almost 2 years ago, Roeth Lynnette
Student Spotlight
Student Spotlight
As the first week of March Madness wraps up, basketball skills were the focus in PE classes. The kids rotated to stations that involved dribbling, shooting, passing and even some competitive games. Mr. Jacobs reviewed things to be mindful about such as good dribbling technique.
almost 2 years ago, Graham Elementary School
March Madness means it is time to practice our skills in P.E. claases this week! Let's get out the basketballs and start hooping.
almost 2 years ago, Graham Elementary School
Many kids celebrated St. Patrick's Day today since we are off school on Friday. Green attire was plentiful, and some even enjoyed green leprechaun pudding!
almost 2 years ago, Graham Elementary School
Reminder, no school tomorrow!
almost 2 years ago, Graham Local Schools
no school
Graham Elementary staff has put their heart into March Madness this week. Staff members were able to purchase mini basketballs with a random college team inside to follow all the way through the tournament. This event filled up 4 brackets and brought in $245 which will go to the “ BackPack” food program for our kids.
almost 2 years ago, Graham Elementary School