4th grade students are working on finding lines of symmetry using pattern blocks.
GES - Family News From The Nest
March 15, 2024
Have a great weekend Falcons!
Graham Elementary - Scholastic Book Fair is this coming week - Check out all of the books and other items on display!
*Check back tomorrow for more items!
Graham Elementary School Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Baker
Graham Elementary School had 3 group projects and 2 individual projects at the District Science Fair at Edison State Community College. It was a very tough competition with 118 students from different districts participating.
Piper Jacobs and Amera Rader received a Superior Rating and will be presenting their project at the state level in April. They also received 4th place in the Creating Chemistry Award.
We are very proud of all of our students for participating!
Mrs. Breslin's 3rd grade students take time in the morning to focus on the 7 Habits of Leader in Me.
Graham Elementary Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Thomas
Last week was Read Across America Week. Check out some activities from our 2nd grade.
And they are off! Have fun at Glen Helen!
Games are what was happening last week at our Games With Grands Day at GES!
Graham Elementary Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Prince
Our preschool students love when they have special guest come to school - last week was Games With Grands day at GES!
We had some special guest come to GES for our preschool Games With Grands day!
We have more LEAP Day fun pictures from our preschools classes - celebrating leaping and good sportsmanship!
Graham Elementary Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Nance
We had some preschool students celebrating LEAP DAY last month by having a contest on who could LEAP the furthest!
Our gym classes finished their movement unit last week. The students love it when our staff joins them during this unit!
Graham Elementary Staff Spotlights - Ms. Roebuck
Our KPrep classroom had a guest reader! Ms. Roeth read a story to the students who did a great job of asking questions and interacting during our story time.
Our KPrep and Kindergarten students recently celebrated their 100th day of school this year! Ms. Roeth went around to many of the students and asked how they knew they had been in school for 100 days and most all said calendar time and then they counted to 100 by 10's. Our GES students are awesome!