Graham Elementary Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Blosser
Mrs. Tebbe's 4th grade class was all ears as they were working as a whole group during the reading lesson.
Mrs. Hannah's students had their choppers working as they chopped apart the syllables in their words.
Our 5th grade students in Mrs. Hager's class showed Ms. Roeth GES Principal how to divide things in different ways during their math class.
Graham Elementary Staff Spotlight - Mr. Jacobs
Watching these 5th grade students in Mrs. Henrick's classroom learn multiple ways to solve a math problem was pretty impressive!
Hoppy Leap Day!
Our GES Staff had fun this morning as we celebrated Leap Day which comes around every 4 years! Our staff got to spin the wheel to win a prize. Each staff member was also gifted a small frog and donuts by Ms. Roeth and Mrs. Shreve.
Our GES students are all smiles when they are working with Ms. Hannah in small groups.
Graham Elementary Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Tebbe
We have some future artist in our Direct Drawing Club at GES! Wow, check out these drawings!
GES Club Day.....our students in the Puzzle Club were pretty excited to finish their puzzles to show all of you!
Graham Elementary Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Roach
The Flower Art Club makes not only decorations for their homes but, flowers the students can wear during the day!
GES held their February CLUB Day!
The Acts Of Kindness Club was busy making cards!
We have more pictures from our Preschool Special Ladies Day at GES!
GES - Family News From The Nest
Have a great weekend Falcons!
Graham Elementary Staff Spotlight - Miss Carlson
Our Preschool students shared some of their day recently with special ladies in their lives. Each preschooler invited a special lady to come to school for activities together. Activities included stem projects, building with cups, making bracelets, games and reading together. Special ladies that spent time in preschool were Moms, Grandmas, Aunts, big Sisters and Friends. ❤️
Graham Elementary Kindergarten Screening Information
Your children may know them as the rabbit, lizard, duck, tiger and more - But, what we know is our bus drivers are the best around! Happy School Bus Driver Day!